Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Talking Turkey
Nighthawk here with a special guest, The Thanksgiving Turkey.
Thanksgiving not only comes earlier in the year in Canada, it was celebrated in what would become Canada 43 years before the Pilgrims sat down to give thanks near Plymouth Rock when Martin Frobisher threw a thanksgiving dinner in Newfoundland.
Neither Frobisher nor Pilgrim likely had turkey on their menu. If they did, it was nothing like the bird we roast now. Now the turkey is a holiday icon, so much so that Thanksgiving is also known as Turkey Day.
Our guest is that iconic bird. Welcome.
How do you feel about your role in this holiday?
Gobble-gobble-gobble, gobble-gobble.
Your role as an icon must keep you busy. There's Canadian Thanksgiving in October, the American Thanksgiving in November and you often have a starring role at Christmas too. How do you feel about that?
Gobble, gobble-gobble.
Well. That just about says it all.
To all our Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving. To our American friends, Alison and I will be thinking of you.
Thanksgiving not only comes earlier in the year in Canada, it was celebrated in what would become Canada 43 years before the Pilgrims sat down to give thanks near Plymouth Rock when Martin Frobisher threw a thanksgiving dinner in Newfoundland.
Neither Frobisher nor Pilgrim likely had turkey on their menu. If they did, it was nothing like the bird we roast now. Now the turkey is a holiday icon, so much so that Thanksgiving is also known as Turkey Day.
Our guest is that iconic bird. Welcome.
How do you feel about your role in this holiday?
Gobble-gobble-gobble, gobble-gobble.
Your role as an icon must keep you busy. There's Canadian Thanksgiving in October, the American Thanksgiving in November and you often have a starring role at Christmas too. How do you feel about that?
Gobble, gobble-gobble.
Well. That just about says it all.
To all our Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving. To our American friends, Alison and I will be thinking of you.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Nighthawk Talks to Cynthia Young from Murder for Glacier Blue
"A bleached blonde struts into the studio, dressed in a slinky red dress, six-inch Manolo Blahnik heels, and a full-length sable fur."
No, this isn't the start of a blond joke. This is tonight's guest Cynthia Young, making her entrance. Ms Young appears in Diane Rapp's new book, Murder for Glacier Blue.
The book title refers to a painting which is taking an Alaskan cruise as part of a charity auction. Steven Young and his fiance Kayla are working security for the cruise line. As if art theft and murder aren't enough, the couple have to contend with Young's ex-wife, who is now coming through the door.
Anyone here? Hey, out there! Is anyone coming to chat me up? Bloody Hell! You’d think a proper gent would show up on time. Where is this Nighthawk chap?
Ms Young. Over here. Please sit down.
Who’s really talking through this here bird? I was married to a bloke who did a magic act, so you can’t fool me.
So, you were married to a magician. You were also married to Steven Young, right?
Yes, he’s my ex-husband. Stevie worked undercover for Interpol, but I weren’t allowed to tell nobody and got ever so bored. Now he’s all over the press as a bloody hero, saved a ship from sinking in the Mediterranean and arrested a ring of smugglers. Workin’ for the cruise line, I bet he makes lots more money. I might just give him another tumble.
What about his fiance?
Kayla? I don’t know what Stevie sees in her. She’s got no sense of style, loves to wear trainers and pulls her ponytail through the back of a sport’s cap. You know, I can steal Stevie away from Kayla any time I wants.
Mind if I take off me fur? It’s gettin’ a bit warm in here.
Sure but don't put it...
*****<silence> ****
Don't worry, Ms Young. My producer will put your coat somewhere safe. Away from our equipment. Let's get back to the interview. What prompted you to take a cruise at the same time as your ex and his fiancé?
I came along with Phillip, one of Stevie’s mates from school. Me and Phillip are engaged. At least we were engaged before Jeffrey got murdered…
The artist you were having an affair with, right?
I can’t talk about those events without me lawyer present. Are you recording this? Who can hear me? Honest! I never knew the details of Jeff’s scheme to steal that painting, and them coppers can’t hold me responsible for…
“I know! This is one of Steven’s tricks!
Ms Young, will you please sit down.
That copper thinks he’s ever so clever, using a talking bird to get me to spill me guts. I won’t cop a plea without a deal in writing! You tell Mr. Law-and-order that he made a big mistake! He can’t trick me into tellin’ all I know before I gets into witness protection. That murderer is still out there waiting for me. I don’t care if Steven thinks he’s getting married! I’m in danger, and I’ll make him help me! We took our vows long before he met that tart, Kayla
And Cynthia Young has left the studio. I wonder if she'll remember her coat.
Alaskan cruise,
art theft,
character interviews,
Diane Rapp,
Glacier Blue,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Chiku from Devolution
Our guest tonight is Chiku Flynn. She was born in the Congo rainforest. For the first eleven years of her life she is raised alongside the chimpanzees her anthropologist parents are studying. When her mother died, she was sent back to the United States only to return, at age sixteen, when her father disappears.
Chiku is a Swahili name, isn't it?
In Swahili, Chiku means’ chatterbox’, the chimps call me Talk Talk.
You must know a lot about chimpanzees.
I was born in the rainforest. Me and Scals played tag and hide-and-seek right where elephants come to drink. The chimps always loved when I read to them. Scals’s favorite was Curious George. I bet you didn’t know they could understand me. My dad taught them sign language and I can speak to them as well as I can speak to you. Maybe better.
There's a lot I don't know... like this trouble you're trying to get out of.
None of this would have happened if. my dad hadn’t sent me back to the States. I know my chimps better than anyone. And my dad, well, my dad wouldn’t have done the things he did. Now my family’s in all kinds of hot water. It’s a mess, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
What do you mean, your dad wouldn’t have done the things that he did?
I can’t say. I can’t. He…. It’s not something I like to talk about.
Okay. I take it you won't be leaving again.
My guys are still in trouble. The civil war is still going on, and Union Miniere still wants what’s on Chimp Island. But I’m staying now. I ain’t going home. This is where I belong, and together me and the guys will win.
When you talk about the guys and family, you don’t mean your father, do you?
It’s hard for me to talk about my dad. He could be wonderful sometimes. And sometimes he wasn’t. Now I have my sister Cary and my wonderful grandmother Lucy Burchill. Besides that, Scallion, Pan, Scopes, Dora and the other guys are my family now. They need me. So much is happening in the forest. They’re still in great danger, and they need Talk Talk to stay with them.
Then we'll let you get back to it. The rest of us will have to read about it in Peter Clenott's book Devolution.
Buy Devolution, or any other Imajin Book, in August and enter to win a Kindle Fire.
character interviews,
Peter Clenott,
sign language,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Anne from Sweet Karoline
Good evening and welcome to Nighthawk Talks. Tonight we have Anne Williams direct from Los Angeles and the pages of Sweet Karoline by Catherine Astolfo.
Anne, you've been described as the Ice Queen. How would you describe yourself?
I’m very smart. I worked hard at becoming the Executive Assistant at Grace Productions here in Los Angeles. I’m also loyal, a trait that is a rare commodity it seems.
My worst trait is that I trust too easily.
Like when you partnered with Catherine Astolfo to tell your story? At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?
Oh, my, right from the first sentence. Talk about spilling your guts and misleading the reader!
Misdirection is the prerogative of crime writers. They can be damned twisty sometimes. I should know.
The title of the book is Sweet Karoline. I know that you trusted and loved your friend, but was there any point in your life you thought that Karoline was sweet? What was your first clue that she wasn’t?
All my life I was grateful to Karoline for rescuing me and befriending me. She kept all those crazy stalkers away. She was smart and generous and friendly. I thought she was wonderful. We lived this amazing, hedonistic, self-absorbed life. I really liked that life! It was Karoline who was responsible for most of our lifestyle. Then suddenly she went crazy and turned on me. I mean…Just realized I never said she was "sweet" here. That word could be replaced with nice or lovely or pleasant or fresh - but I don't think any of those apply to Karoline. She was more like a little bull dog.
A dog that turned rabid? Never mind. Forget I asked. Tell us about Ethan Byrne. He’s right there with you, from the opening line of the book.
Ethan is the kind of man who doesn't judge by appearances. I mean, certainly I'm a beautiful woman and he couldn't help but get turned on. However, my beauty isn't the only reason he was interested in me. He could see through all the layers to the real me - the loveable, intelligent, but flawed person behind the perfection. Ethan's not very good-looking but he's tall and smart and confident and strong. Anyone would be happy to have him, but fortunately for me, he's mine! Oh, did I mention that he's terribly rich, too?
Interesting about him being rich. When Ethan Byrne showed up at your door to investigate Karoline's murder and then just happened to be around when you had your breakdown, I had to wonder if you contrived to have that last event happen just so you could get to know him better. Was that just good luck or did you manipulate events?
You are ridiculous. It was fate that brought us together.
I think this interview is over.
I'm afraid if you want to know more about Anne Williams, you'll have to read Sweet Karoline by Catherine Astolfo. Be warned, once you start, you won't want to stop.
Catherine Astolfo,
character interviews,
crime fiction,
literary fiction,
psychological suspense,
Sweet Karoline
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Sandy Beach from Which Exit Angel
Welcome back to Nighthawk Talks. Tonight we have Reverend Sandy Beach from Chris Redding's Which Exit Angel.
Seriously, Sandy Beach?
My parents were avid surfers so they loved the beach. Having the last name Beach was a bonus. And they had a great sense of humour.
Obviously. What church are you reverend of?
I run a non-denominational church. Everyone is welcome. Sometimes I preach about God and The Bible. Other times I preach about how to be a good person. Right now, I'm not sure what my faith is.
Why are you questioning your faith?
I'm not sure. I've just seen so much bad in the world. I don't know how there can be a God if he lets this evil happen.
Can you question your faith and accept the existence of angels at the same time? How did you meet the angel?
She's investigating the murder of another angel. It blew my mind for sure. She didn't look like an angel at all.
That does sound like a lot to take in. But there's more, isn't there? You two are trying to stop the Apocalypse.
The forces of good and evil are using the Earth as a battleground. The bad guys are tired of being relegated to Hell so they are going to fight the angels for control of the world.
I guess I better let you get back to work. I'm not in favour of apocalypses and have a great admiration for those who stop them.
For more on Sandy Beach, read Which Exit Angel by Chris Redding who you can also follow on Twitter @chrisredding.
Chris Redding,
romantic suspense,
which exit angel
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Lillian Hayes from Deadly Ties
Welcome to Nighthawk Talks. I'm Nighthawk and our guest tonight is Lillian Hayes from Debra Parmley's novel, Dangerous Ties.
Up until recently, Miss Hayes was engaged to marry. Her fiancé turned out to be a no good con man who persuaded the people in her hometown to exchange their gold for worthless paper. Leave us say, the folks weren't happy and, to their discredit, thought Miss Hayes, one of their own, was involved.
All set, Miss Hayes? Just talk into the microphone there.
Well, life is just full of surprises. I thought nothing would surprise me any more. Goodness. This metal thing will share my voice with people?
Yes, ma'am.
Well. Goodness. And all we do is talk. Goodness.
Well I suppose you'll want to know about the bank notes my ex fiancé stole from the townsfolk. I do not know where they are and I never did. So don't start down that trail. I won't stand for it.
Calm down, Miss Hayes. I'm not saying you're involved or that you know anything about the gold.
I do apologize. Too many people have assumed the worst of me when I gave them no cause to. It's an awful thing when you're telling the truth and no one believes you. Simply awful.
They didn't just talk behind your back, did they?
Why if Nicholas Brace hadn't shown up when he did, before that rope broke, I wouldn't be here talking to you today. That man saved my life. And he believed me too, when no one else would. He's the one man who has always believed me and never doubted.
What happened to your fiancé?
He just up and disappeared one day, taking the gold with him. I can understand how the townsfolk were upset. It was a terrible thing he did, talking them into exchanging their gold for his worthless bank notes. Shelton Security bank notes aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. You might as well use them to light your fireplace if you have any of them.
How did you get involved?
My cousin Carl talked me into coming out west and introduced me to Mr. Shelton. Why, if I'd stayed back east… But then I wouldn't have met Nick. He's a good man that Nicholas Brace. Handsome too. When he looks at me I feel warm and happy, like the sun has just come out from behind the clouds. He taught me how to shoot to protect myself, so I wouldn't be at the mercy of men like Kingston and his hired guns ever again. But I'm worried about him. He's riding into town right into that nest of snakes and I know exactly how quick they can turn mean on you. I aim to follow him somehow, if I can't talk him into letting me go with him. I couldn't bear it if something happened to Nick.
Maybe I should be asking about Nick. Do you see yourself having a future together. A wedding, perhaps?
Goodness no. Wedding? (squeak) No, look what happened the last time I got engaged. I'm in no hurry to marry anyone. Though Nick is a fine man. But a future with him? No, I really can't say. I just want him to be alive and healthy. As long as he is alive and healthy I will be happy. He has his life on the ranch up north and I've been enough of a bother to him aleady. He's late delivering his horses, after taking care of me. No, no, a future with Nick would be too much to hope for. I can't think about that now. I have to get to town.
We'll let you get going, Miss Hayes. Before you go, is there anything else you'd like to share with our audience?
Well yes, that life is short and people can't always be trusted but there are still good men in the world. I'm lucky such a good man found me in time to save my life.
Miss Hayes has left the building. To find out more about her, and the handsome Nick Brace, check out Dangerous Ties by Debra Parmley.
Up until recently, Miss Hayes was engaged to marry. Her fiancé turned out to be a no good con man who persuaded the people in her hometown to exchange their gold for worthless paper. Leave us say, the folks weren't happy and, to their discredit, thought Miss Hayes, one of their own, was involved.
All set, Miss Hayes? Just talk into the microphone there.
Well, life is just full of surprises. I thought nothing would surprise me any more. Goodness. This metal thing will share my voice with people?
Yes, ma'am.
Well. Goodness. And all we do is talk. Goodness.
Well I suppose you'll want to know about the bank notes my ex fiancé stole from the townsfolk. I do not know where they are and I never did. So don't start down that trail. I won't stand for it.
Calm down, Miss Hayes. I'm not saying you're involved or that you know anything about the gold.
I do apologize. Too many people have assumed the worst of me when I gave them no cause to. It's an awful thing when you're telling the truth and no one believes you. Simply awful.
They didn't just talk behind your back, did they?
Why if Nicholas Brace hadn't shown up when he did, before that rope broke, I wouldn't be here talking to you today. That man saved my life. And he believed me too, when no one else would. He's the one man who has always believed me and never doubted.
What happened to your fiancé?
He just up and disappeared one day, taking the gold with him. I can understand how the townsfolk were upset. It was a terrible thing he did, talking them into exchanging their gold for his worthless bank notes. Shelton Security bank notes aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. You might as well use them to light your fireplace if you have any of them.
How did you get involved?
My cousin Carl talked me into coming out west and introduced me to Mr. Shelton. Why, if I'd stayed back east… But then I wouldn't have met Nick. He's a good man that Nicholas Brace. Handsome too. When he looks at me I feel warm and happy, like the sun has just come out from behind the clouds. He taught me how to shoot to protect myself, so I wouldn't be at the mercy of men like Kingston and his hired guns ever again. But I'm worried about him. He's riding into town right into that nest of snakes and I know exactly how quick they can turn mean on you. I aim to follow him somehow, if I can't talk him into letting me go with him. I couldn't bear it if something happened to Nick.
Maybe I should be asking about Nick. Do you see yourself having a future together. A wedding, perhaps?
Goodness no. Wedding? (squeak) No, look what happened the last time I got engaged. I'm in no hurry to marry anyone. Though Nick is a fine man. But a future with him? No, I really can't say. I just want him to be alive and healthy. As long as he is alive and healthy I will be happy. He has his life on the ranch up north and I've been enough of a bother to him aleady. He's late delivering his horses, after taking care of me. No, no, a future with Nick would be too much to hope for. I can't think about that now. I have to get to town.
We'll let you get going, Miss Hayes. Before you go, is there anything else you'd like to share with our audience?
Well yes, that life is short and people can't always be trusted but there are still good men in the world. I'm lucky such a good man found me in time to save my life.
Miss Hayes has left the building. To find out more about her, and the handsome Nick Brace, check out Dangerous Ties by Debra Parmley.
character interviews,
Debra Parmley,
historical fiction,
historical romance,
western romance
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Elwood Calhoun from Lakota Honor
From the small town of Willow Creek, Colorado, we've pulled mine owner Elwood Calhoun to be our guest tonight.
Before we bring him in, let's look at his connection to the heroine of Lakota Honor by Kat Flannery.
Calhoun is interested in marrying Nora Rushton, who spends most of her days locked up in her home with a father who resents her for her healing powers. Calhoun isn't the only one after Nora.
Lakota native Otakatay has been hired to kill the witkowin - that is, witches like Nora. This, of course, opens a whole other can of worms which may have dragging Otakatay's sorry butt in here. But for now, we have Elwood Calhoun, chomping at the bit.
Where the hell am I? Can I make money from this?
Good evening, Mr. Calhoun. Welcome to the studio of Nighthawk Talks. I'm Nighthawk...
Hawk? You look like an oversize blackbird. Are you some kind of injun spirit animal, because I don't believe in that nonsense.
Well, I can see why Miss Rushton isn't rushing to marry you.
Nora Rushton will be my wife. I can give her a life she’s always dreamed of, besides I’m quite the catch. I went all the way to Chicago to get this gold tooth.
From what I understand, Miss Rushton's father doesn't want you to marry her either.
That drunk? Ha!
And then there's Otakatay...
No half-breed will stop me. I get what I want. (laughs) I’ve got reinforcements and I’ll come back with a vengeance.
What makes you think you can get away with this?
I am rich and handsome.
Money can't buy love.
I’m not looking for love. Didn’t you read the story? Money has always gotten me what I want, so nice try and I never give up. I’ll get Nora if it’s the last thing I do and I’ll kill that damn half-breed in the process.
Please, somebody remove our guest from the studio. If you want to find out what happens to this charming gentleman, read Lakota Honor. I haven't met Nora and Otakatay yet, but I'm already rooting for them.
Before we bring him in, let's look at his connection to the heroine of Lakota Honor by Kat Flannery.
Calhoun is interested in marrying Nora Rushton, who spends most of her days locked up in her home with a father who resents her for her healing powers. Calhoun isn't the only one after Nora.
Lakota native Otakatay has been hired to kill the witkowin - that is, witches like Nora. This, of course, opens a whole other can of worms which may have dragging Otakatay's sorry butt in here. But for now, we have Elwood Calhoun, chomping at the bit.
Where the hell am I? Can I make money from this?
Good evening, Mr. Calhoun. Welcome to the studio of Nighthawk Talks. I'm Nighthawk...
Hawk? You look like an oversize blackbird. Are you some kind of injun spirit animal, because I don't believe in that nonsense.
Well, I can see why Miss Rushton isn't rushing to marry you.
Nora Rushton will be my wife. I can give her a life she’s always dreamed of, besides I’m quite the catch. I went all the way to Chicago to get this gold tooth.
From what I understand, Miss Rushton's father doesn't want you to marry her either.
That drunk? Ha!
And then there's Otakatay...
No half-breed will stop me. I get what I want. (laughs) I’ve got reinforcements and I’ll come back with a vengeance.
What makes you think you can get away with this?
I am rich and handsome.
Money can't buy love.
I’m not looking for love. Didn’t you read the story? Money has always gotten me what I want, so nice try and I never give up. I’ll get Nora if it’s the last thing I do and I’ll kill that damn half-breed in the process.
Please, somebody remove our guest from the studio. If you want to find out what happens to this charming gentleman, read Lakota Honor. I haven't met Nora and Otakatay yet, but I'm already rooting for them.
bounty hunter,
character interviews,
western romance,
Monday, June 3, 2013
Pat Tierney from Black Water
Welcome back to Nighthawk Talks. I'm Nighthawk and tonight we have Pat Tierney back.
So Pat, what do you do when you’re not solving murders?
I’m a financial planner. My late husband, Michael, was a financial advisor at a large investment firm. His enthusiasm for his work was contagious so after our first child, Tracy, was born, I took courses, got my accreditation and joined Michael at the branch he ran.
I enjoy helping my clients get their financial houses in order. It's important work that I do, and I take it very seriously.
So, you are a professional financial planner and amateur sleuth. You should write a book.
For the past few years, I’ve been helping Rosemary McCracken write down my stories for her mystery novels, Black Water and Safe Harbor. Both books are narrated in the first person, meaning that I told Rosemary my stories and she wrote them down. And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. These are my stories and I described how I felt when they were taking place. At times, I was absolutely terrified. At other times, I was uncertain what to do. I was beside myself with worry when those bikers in Black Water threatened to take little Tommy from me. I just couldn’t let anything happen to that child.
Let's talk about Black Water. What made you investigate the murder of Lyle Critchley?
Near the end of Safe Harbor, Tracy introduced me to her sweetheart. I had been hearing about this young lawyer, Jamie Collins, for some time, but I had no idea that Jamie was a woman. To put it mildly, I was…shocked. I had no inkling of Tracy’s sexual orientation. And I handled it very badly.
When Black Water opened, my relationship with Tracy was stretched to the limits. She’d moved in with Jamie, and I’d focused on my work. I hoped she’d get over her infatuation. And I made no effort at all to get to know Jamie.
One cold, miserable evening, Tracy came over to the house. She told me that a few days before Jamie had received a letter from Lyle Critchley, an elderly man who lived in the community up north where she’d grown up. Several years before, Lyle had killed her younger sister in an impaired driving accident, and Jamie was upset to get a letter from him asking for her help. I asked Tracy what kind of help he wanted, but she said Jamie hadn’t told her. And she’d shredded the letter as soon as she’d read it.
The following morning, Jamie borrowed Tracy’s car, and Tracy hadn’t seen or heard from her since. But that very evening, Tracy had heard on the television news that Lyle had been killed in a fire at his home. And the police were calling it murder.
I think I can see where this is going. Your daughter wanted your help and you wanted to mend bridges.
Yes. Tracy begged me to go up north and find Jamie. I didn’t see what I could do to help, but I realized how much Jamie meant to my daughter. I also realized that Tracy had been keeping things from me for a long time. I love my children and I don’t want them keeping secrets from me. I had to show Tracy that she could trust me and count on me. Any time. Like then and there.
The next morning, I drove up to the town of Braeloch and met Jamie’s mother.
Jamie's mother gave you a better perspective of your daughter's partner, but also made it clear that Jamie had a solid motive for murder. What made you think Jamie Collins was innocent?
Jamie had been seen near Braeloch on the day Lyle was killed, so the police wanted to talk to her in connection with his death. That, I reasoned, meant that she was a suspect in the murder investigation—the prime suspect. But Jamie wasn’t talking to anyone. She’d vanished.
Tracy insisted to me that Jamie wouldn’t hurt a fly. I was skeptical. I knew that anger and other strong emotions can provoke anyone into a violent act. Even someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly.
But I didn’t think Jamie had rushed up to Braeloch to murder Lyle for killing her sister. If she’d wanted to do that, she would have done it years before.
And the more I learned about her over the next little while, the more I came to like her. Jamie, I learned, was the lawyer who’d secured a landmark judgment on behalf of an elderly woman who’d lost most of her savings when a financial advisor put them into high-risk securities. That impressed me.
Bit by bit, I formed a picture of Jamie as a strong and principled woman. Wherever she was, I figured she was probably investigating something. Probably whatever Lyle had told her in his letter.
You’ve had to deal with a lot of family drama.
Yes. I discovered that my late husband Michael had a son with another woman. I tell that story in Safe Harbor. And I learned that Tracy was a lesbian. In Black Water I realized just how important family is to me, and that I can’t let anything come between me and my children.
How do you juggle family drama and detective work with your career?
I needed to be in Braeloch to look for Jamie so I talked my CEO into sending me up there to supervise the opening of a new branch in the town. Well, that triggered a number of other developments. I not only had Tracy worried out of her mind about Jamie, but I was trying to find a murderer in a community where I knew no one. I did meet people, though. Members of a biker gang. Two women who run a grow op. A wily investment fraudster. And I had thought that nothing ever happened out in the countryside.
How do you cope with all that?
One foot in front of the other, and a lot of deep, relaxing breaths. The family drama, I’m sure, will eventually work itself out. I have faith in my children. My daughters both have big hearts, and they always intend to do the right thing. And little Tommy is a great little boy. I’m sure he’ll turn into a fine man.
My daughter Laura, of course, calls me “the world's biggest pushover.” And she may be right.
Which, of course, means there might be future stories written with Rosemary. Can't wait to find out.
Black Water, the second book in the Pat Tierney series, has just been released. To win a $50 Amazon gift certificate, enter the Black Water Giveaway Contest. Deadline is June 15.
Visit Rosemary’s website at
Follow Rosemary's blog on
Twitter @RCMcCracken
Facebook at
So Pat, what do you do when you’re not solving murders?
I’m a financial planner. My late husband, Michael, was a financial advisor at a large investment firm. His enthusiasm for his work was contagious so after our first child, Tracy, was born, I took courses, got my accreditation and joined Michael at the branch he ran.
I enjoy helping my clients get their financial houses in order. It's important work that I do, and I take it very seriously.
So, you are a professional financial planner and amateur sleuth. You should write a book.
For the past few years, I’ve been helping Rosemary McCracken write down my stories for her mystery novels, Black Water and Safe Harbor. Both books are narrated in the first person, meaning that I told Rosemary my stories and she wrote them down. And I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. These are my stories and I described how I felt when they were taking place. At times, I was absolutely terrified. At other times, I was uncertain what to do. I was beside myself with worry when those bikers in Black Water threatened to take little Tommy from me. I just couldn’t let anything happen to that child.
Let's talk about Black Water. What made you investigate the murder of Lyle Critchley?
Near the end of Safe Harbor, Tracy introduced me to her sweetheart. I had been hearing about this young lawyer, Jamie Collins, for some time, but I had no idea that Jamie was a woman. To put it mildly, I was…shocked. I had no inkling of Tracy’s sexual orientation. And I handled it very badly.
When Black Water opened, my relationship with Tracy was stretched to the limits. She’d moved in with Jamie, and I’d focused on my work. I hoped she’d get over her infatuation. And I made no effort at all to get to know Jamie.
One cold, miserable evening, Tracy came over to the house. She told me that a few days before Jamie had received a letter from Lyle Critchley, an elderly man who lived in the community up north where she’d grown up. Several years before, Lyle had killed her younger sister in an impaired driving accident, and Jamie was upset to get a letter from him asking for her help. I asked Tracy what kind of help he wanted, but she said Jamie hadn’t told her. And she’d shredded the letter as soon as she’d read it.
The following morning, Jamie borrowed Tracy’s car, and Tracy hadn’t seen or heard from her since. But that very evening, Tracy had heard on the television news that Lyle had been killed in a fire at his home. And the police were calling it murder.
I think I can see where this is going. Your daughter wanted your help and you wanted to mend bridges.
Yes. Tracy begged me to go up north and find Jamie. I didn’t see what I could do to help, but I realized how much Jamie meant to my daughter. I also realized that Tracy had been keeping things from me for a long time. I love my children and I don’t want them keeping secrets from me. I had to show Tracy that she could trust me and count on me. Any time. Like then and there.
The next morning, I drove up to the town of Braeloch and met Jamie’s mother.
Jamie's mother gave you a better perspective of your daughter's partner, but also made it clear that Jamie had a solid motive for murder. What made you think Jamie Collins was innocent?
Jamie had been seen near Braeloch on the day Lyle was killed, so the police wanted to talk to her in connection with his death. That, I reasoned, meant that she was a suspect in the murder investigation—the prime suspect. But Jamie wasn’t talking to anyone. She’d vanished.
Tracy insisted to me that Jamie wouldn’t hurt a fly. I was skeptical. I knew that anger and other strong emotions can provoke anyone into a violent act. Even someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly.
But I didn’t think Jamie had rushed up to Braeloch to murder Lyle for killing her sister. If she’d wanted to do that, she would have done it years before.
And the more I learned about her over the next little while, the more I came to like her. Jamie, I learned, was the lawyer who’d secured a landmark judgment on behalf of an elderly woman who’d lost most of her savings when a financial advisor put them into high-risk securities. That impressed me.
Bit by bit, I formed a picture of Jamie as a strong and principled woman. Wherever she was, I figured she was probably investigating something. Probably whatever Lyle had told her in his letter.
You’ve had to deal with a lot of family drama.
Yes. I discovered that my late husband Michael had a son with another woman. I tell that story in Safe Harbor. And I learned that Tracy was a lesbian. In Black Water I realized just how important family is to me, and that I can’t let anything come between me and my children.
How do you juggle family drama and detective work with your career?
I needed to be in Braeloch to look for Jamie so I talked my CEO into sending me up there to supervise the opening of a new branch in the town. Well, that triggered a number of other developments. I not only had Tracy worried out of her mind about Jamie, but I was trying to find a murderer in a community where I knew no one. I did meet people, though. Members of a biker gang. Two women who run a grow op. A wily investment fraudster. And I had thought that nothing ever happened out in the countryside.
How do you cope with all that?
One foot in front of the other, and a lot of deep, relaxing breaths. The family drama, I’m sure, will eventually work itself out. I have faith in my children. My daughters both have big hearts, and they always intend to do the right thing. And little Tommy is a great little boy. I’m sure he’ll turn into a fine man.
My daughter Laura, of course, calls me “the world's biggest pushover.” And she may be right.
Which, of course, means there might be future stories written with Rosemary. Can't wait to find out.
Black Water, the second book in the Pat Tierney series, has just been released. To win a $50 Amazon gift certificate, enter the Black Water Giveaway Contest. Deadline is June 15.
Visit Rosemary’s website at
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Black Water,
character interviews,
Pat Tierney,
Rosemary McCracken,
Safe Harbour,
Monday, May 27, 2013
Interviewing the Interviewer
Hi, I'm Alison Bruce. I produce Nighthawk Talks. Before we go off on a run of new releases, I thought it was about time we put our host in the hot seat.
Nighthawk, you are actually raven, isn't that true.
True. My father wanted to call me Quoth but my mother said I already had too many relatives by that name. Mom was a bit of a rebel.
What attracted you to be a radio interviewer?
To be honest, I wanted to be a cop, but I didn't meet the height requirements. I did train to be a PI but people tend to be suspicious of ravens. That put me at a disadvantage.
But aren't all private investigators viewed with suspicion?
Seriously? Real private investigators blend into the background and don't arouse anything. That's why I prefer to interview fictional PI's. They're much more exiting and I like eye-candy as much as the next bird.
So, you became an interviewer to meet hot guys?
Maybe. A little bit. I meet some very interesting women too. We strong women have to look out for each other.
True. Why radio? Why not a video show?
The easy answer is that my producer is too cheap. Seriously, we're talking book characters here. Every reader has their own image of what they are like. It's better that way.
You've been watching Grey's Anatomy reruns again, haven't you?
Stay tuned next week when Nighthawk interviews a character from Rosemary McCracken's BLACK WATER.
character interviews,
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Jesse Nightwalker from Sweet Danger
Well, I survived doing my taxes, but just barely. Thank heavens for good friends who send their hot characters my way to cheer me up. Tonight we have Jesse Nightwalker, from Sweet Danger by Cheryl Pierson. Jesse is certainly easy on the eyes, even for an old bird like me.
Welcome to Nighthawk Talks. You just faced the notorious Hardin gang in a deli shootout. You're looking a bit worse for wear right now, Officer Nightwalker, but you are a tough customer.
I’m a survivor and I survived. But I have to admit, I had a few moments where I didn’t think I was going to—and I was worried as hell about Lindy and Nash. Tabor Hardin is one mean son of a bitch—not above harming women or children, and I knew I was dead the minute I realized he was the one taking over the deli. What are the odds? Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tell us about Lindy.
I’d had my eye on Lindy for several months—a year, to be exact. She lived two doors down from me and our mailboxes were right together—Jesse Nightwalker, Lindy Oliver. But that day, she was behind me in line at the deli and we started talking. It was kind of awkward, in a way, because I caught her checking out my…backside. But as it turned out, we both wanted the last sugar ring in the case, and of course, I took something else so she could have it. Abe Silverman directed us to sit together at one of the back booths, since the place was packed. It wasn’t long after that when Hardin and his gang came in. I pushed Lindy under the table, told her to go out the back way. But I made one mistake. I kissed her.
Why was that a mistake?
Because it changed everything for both of us. My wife had died four years earlier and I hadn’t felt much at all emotionally since then. But when I kissed Lindy, I knew that had just changed in the blink of an eye. When she looked up into my eyes, I could see she felt the same. She wasn’t about to leave me then—especially when she saw that I’d taken a bullet meant for her.
I can see how that would have spelled trouble.
I was in trouble the minute our lips touched. No…it was sooner than that. I was in trouble the minute I saw Lindy for the first time at the apartment complex. I guess that’s why it was so hard for me to break the ice with her. I knew then, if I did, there’d be no going back.
Going back to what? Your job? The dangerous life you lead?
Being an undercover cop was a job I always took seriously. I think I held on to it because Erica, my late wife, always threw it up to me. Wanted me to quit the force and do something else.
How did your wife die?
They said she committed suicide…I was on a stakeout. Turns out, that wasn’t what happened at all. It was a relief to find out what really happened, in a way—so I could let go of some of the guilt. But that was also why what happened in the deli just twisted me up in knots—I knew I couldn’t deal with falling in love with Lindy to have it all jerked away. Turns out, I didn’t have much choice in that.
We often don't when it comes to love.
Welcome to Nighthawk Talks. You just faced the notorious Hardin gang in a deli shootout. You're looking a bit worse for wear right now, Officer Nightwalker, but you are a tough customer.
I’m a survivor and I survived. But I have to admit, I had a few moments where I didn’t think I was going to—and I was worried as hell about Lindy and Nash. Tabor Hardin is one mean son of a bitch—not above harming women or children, and I knew I was dead the minute I realized he was the one taking over the deli. What are the odds? Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Tell us about Lindy.
I’d had my eye on Lindy for several months—a year, to be exact. She lived two doors down from me and our mailboxes were right together—Jesse Nightwalker, Lindy Oliver. But that day, she was behind me in line at the deli and we started talking. It was kind of awkward, in a way, because I caught her checking out my…backside. But as it turned out, we both wanted the last sugar ring in the case, and of course, I took something else so she could have it. Abe Silverman directed us to sit together at one of the back booths, since the place was packed. It wasn’t long after that when Hardin and his gang came in. I pushed Lindy under the table, told her to go out the back way. But I made one mistake. I kissed her.
Why was that a mistake?
Because it changed everything for both of us. My wife had died four years earlier and I hadn’t felt much at all emotionally since then. But when I kissed Lindy, I knew that had just changed in the blink of an eye. When she looked up into my eyes, I could see she felt the same. She wasn’t about to leave me then—especially when she saw that I’d taken a bullet meant for her.
I can see how that would have spelled trouble.
I was in trouble the minute our lips touched. No…it was sooner than that. I was in trouble the minute I saw Lindy for the first time at the apartment complex. I guess that’s why it was so hard for me to break the ice with her. I knew then, if I did, there’d be no going back.
Going back to what? Your job? The dangerous life you lead?
Being an undercover cop was a job I always took seriously. I think I held on to it because Erica, my late wife, always threw it up to me. Wanted me to quit the force and do something else.
How did your wife die?
They said she committed suicide…I was on a stakeout. Turns out, that wasn’t what happened at all. It was a relief to find out what really happened, in a way—so I could let go of some of the guilt. But that was also why what happened in the deli just twisted me up in knots—I knew I couldn’t deal with falling in love with Lindy to have it all jerked away. Turns out, I didn’t have much choice in that.
We often don't when it comes to love.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Even birdbrains need to do their taxes eventually. Come back next week when I've finished pulling my feathers out.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Bram Killoran from Terms of Temptation
Welcome back to Nighthawk Talks. Today's guest is Bram Killoran from Terms of Temptation by Lorrie Farrelly. While we wait for him to arrive, I'll mention that Ms Farrelly is also the author of Terms of Surrender and Terms of Engagement. Perhaps, for the sake of her characters, her next book should be Terms of Punctuality.
Howdy. Name’s Killoran. I reckon you’re expecting me, and …
(low whistle) Well, I’ll be. Ain’t this some first rate set-up you got. Never expected to see anything so newfangled as this around these parts. Oh, I know progress has got up a good head of steam and it just keeps roaring on, even out here in Wyoming. Railroad’s gonna come all the way to Lander soon enough, but even so …
Good evening Mr. Killoran. Welcome to Nighthawk Talks. If you could just have a seat here.
(clears throat) Sorry. Tongue ran away with me there. It’s just that, well, some things have been happening lately that are pretty hard to get a handle on. Now seeing all this … (blows out a breath) ... kinda confounds a man, don’t it? Knocked me for a loop, all right. But there’s always stranger things, I reckon.
Anyway, if you got the time later and it ain’t too much trouble, you reckon you could show me how some of these contraptions work? I’d be much obliged.
I think that could be arrange. Meanwhile, for the sake of our listeners, could you tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, like I started to say, my name’s Killoran. Deputy Game Warden Bram Killoran. Chief Warden sent me on over here to spread the word about the new Fish and Game laws. Illegal hunting and trapping has just about taken down our whole population of pronghorns, bighorns, and elk, along with nearly every kind of fur-bearing critter and game animal you can think of. Even trout are getting mighty scarce here about. Far as I’m concerned, every damn – uh, beg pardon – dang poacher in Wyoming oughta be locked up and the keys melted down for scrap. I hope those no-account varmints are listening to this, so’s they can consider their sorry selves informed. I got a job to do, seeing wildlife and livestock both thrive in this state, and I dang well aim to do it.
And while I’m at it, I might as well let one stubborn, hardheaded Miss Kinley Cantrell know that nobody – not even her – is gonna get in my way. I’ve been doing my job on my own for a long time, and I sure enough don’t need her assistance to keep on doing it. So if you’re listening, Miss Cantrell, hear me good. If I have to hogtie you to my pack horse and send you on home that way, why, I’ll do it.
Miss Cantrell has a prominent part to play in your adventures. I'm not sure that hogtying her will do much good or why you'd feel the need. It seems a bit extreme.
Truth is, though, I ain’t too sure how things got so out of hand with Kinley. I’ve always been a solitary kind of man, one who was never meant to be tethered. I’d purely hate being tied down. That’s why I’m suited to being a game warden, you see, since it’s a footloose sort of job, and I can work on my own time in a territory wide as the sky. Now, don’t get me wrong, I surely do like women, but marriage just ain’t for me. I reckon if I ever did take a wife, she’d find me to be just one darn disappointment after another. But a sporting girl or two, well, they know there ain’t no strings attached, you catch my meaning?
Yes, Mr. Killoran, I catch your meaning.
(Sighs) But I never before met a woman like Kinley Cantrell. I swear, that infuriating little bit of a thing is more trouble than a spitting bag of bobcats. One minute she makes me want to tear out my hair, and the next, danged if I don’t want to tear off every last bit of clothing she’s wearing. Thing is, I owe her my honor and my protection, but how am I ever gonna live the settled, confined life she’ll expect of me? I reckon I gotta figure it all out pretty darn soon, since my life – and more importantly, Kinley’s – depend on it.
Are you sure that's what she expects of you? I haven't met Miss Cantrell, but everything I hear leads me to believe that she's pretty independent herself. have you asked her what she wants? Are you sure you know what you want?
What the heck do you mean, what do I want? Want is what got us all tangled up in the first place. I want that stubborn, spirited Kinley Cantrell ’til I can’t think straight, ’til I’m half-crazy with it. But don’t you see? Now it ain’t just about what I want anymore, no matter what she says. It’s gotta be about making things right. You dance to the music, you got to pay the piper. That’s the only right thing to do, ain’t it?
Sounds like you are totally stuck on her.
Sweet Holy Hannah, a man can only stand so much. Exasperating as she is, Kinley just about makes my heart pound out of my chest. I swear, I get near her and I can hear the blood rush in my veins. I got no idea why she moves me so, why she makes my heart squeeze and every sane thought I got fly right out of my head. She just about turns me inside out.
So unless I figure out how to keep from breaking her heart, the most danger to Kinley ain’t gonna be from those lowdown, good-for-nothing, snake-in-the-grass poachers. It’s gonna be from me.
Before you start tearing your hair out again, why don't I give you that tour of the studio.
Find out more about Bram Killoran and Kinsey Cantrell in Terms of Temptation.. To learn more about the author, Lorrie Farrelly, check out her author pages on Amazon or Goodreads.
Howdy. Name’s Killoran. I reckon you’re expecting me, and …
(low whistle) Well, I’ll be. Ain’t this some first rate set-up you got. Never expected to see anything so newfangled as this around these parts. Oh, I know progress has got up a good head of steam and it just keeps roaring on, even out here in Wyoming. Railroad’s gonna come all the way to Lander soon enough, but even so …
Good evening Mr. Killoran. Welcome to Nighthawk Talks. If you could just have a seat here.
(clears throat) Sorry. Tongue ran away with me there. It’s just that, well, some things have been happening lately that are pretty hard to get a handle on. Now seeing all this … (blows out a breath) ... kinda confounds a man, don’t it? Knocked me for a loop, all right. But there’s always stranger things, I reckon.
Anyway, if you got the time later and it ain’t too much trouble, you reckon you could show me how some of these contraptions work? I’d be much obliged.
I think that could be arrange. Meanwhile, for the sake of our listeners, could you tell us a bit about yourself.
Well, like I started to say, my name’s Killoran. Deputy Game Warden Bram Killoran. Chief Warden sent me on over here to spread the word about the new Fish and Game laws. Illegal hunting and trapping has just about taken down our whole population of pronghorns, bighorns, and elk, along with nearly every kind of fur-bearing critter and game animal you can think of. Even trout are getting mighty scarce here about. Far as I’m concerned, every damn – uh, beg pardon – dang poacher in Wyoming oughta be locked up and the keys melted down for scrap. I hope those no-account varmints are listening to this, so’s they can consider their sorry selves informed. I got a job to do, seeing wildlife and livestock both thrive in this state, and I dang well aim to do it.
And while I’m at it, I might as well let one stubborn, hardheaded Miss Kinley Cantrell know that nobody – not even her – is gonna get in my way. I’ve been doing my job on my own for a long time, and I sure enough don’t need her assistance to keep on doing it. So if you’re listening, Miss Cantrell, hear me good. If I have to hogtie you to my pack horse and send you on home that way, why, I’ll do it.
Miss Cantrell has a prominent part to play in your adventures. I'm not sure that hogtying her will do much good or why you'd feel the need. It seems a bit extreme.
Truth is, though, I ain’t too sure how things got so out of hand with Kinley. I’ve always been a solitary kind of man, one who was never meant to be tethered. I’d purely hate being tied down. That’s why I’m suited to being a game warden, you see, since it’s a footloose sort of job, and I can work on my own time in a territory wide as the sky. Now, don’t get me wrong, I surely do like women, but marriage just ain’t for me. I reckon if I ever did take a wife, she’d find me to be just one darn disappointment after another. But a sporting girl or two, well, they know there ain’t no strings attached, you catch my meaning?
Yes, Mr. Killoran, I catch your meaning.
(Sighs) But I never before met a woman like Kinley Cantrell. I swear, that infuriating little bit of a thing is more trouble than a spitting bag of bobcats. One minute she makes me want to tear out my hair, and the next, danged if I don’t want to tear off every last bit of clothing she’s wearing. Thing is, I owe her my honor and my protection, but how am I ever gonna live the settled, confined life she’ll expect of me? I reckon I gotta figure it all out pretty darn soon, since my life – and more importantly, Kinley’s – depend on it.
Are you sure that's what she expects of you? I haven't met Miss Cantrell, but everything I hear leads me to believe that she's pretty independent herself. have you asked her what she wants? Are you sure you know what you want?
What the heck do you mean, what do I want? Want is what got us all tangled up in the first place. I want that stubborn, spirited Kinley Cantrell ’til I can’t think straight, ’til I’m half-crazy with it. But don’t you see? Now it ain’t just about what I want anymore, no matter what she says. It’s gotta be about making things right. You dance to the music, you got to pay the piper. That’s the only right thing to do, ain’t it?
Sounds like you are totally stuck on her.
Sweet Holy Hannah, a man can only stand so much. Exasperating as she is, Kinley just about makes my heart pound out of my chest. I swear, I get near her and I can hear the blood rush in my veins. I got no idea why she moves me so, why she makes my heart squeeze and every sane thought I got fly right out of my head. She just about turns me inside out.
So unless I figure out how to keep from breaking her heart, the most danger to Kinley ain’t gonna be from those lowdown, good-for-nothing, snake-in-the-grass poachers. It’s gonna be from me.
Before you start tearing your hair out again, why don't I give you that tour of the studio.
Find out more about Bram Killoran and Kinsey Cantrell in Terms of Temptation.. To learn more about the author, Lorrie Farrelly, check out her author pages on Amazon or Goodreads.
Lorrie Farrelly,
western history,
western romance
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Jake Carmedy from Deadly Legacy
Let's give a warm welcome back to Jacob Carmedy of Deadly Legacy.
It's just Jake. I can produce three pieces of ID to prove that if you like.
Sorry, Mr Carmedy. Chief Thorsen referred to you as Jacob and... what now?
You're scowling at me. I said sorry.
Only the chief gets away with calling me Jacob -- partly because I can't stop him and partly because he's earned the right to call me whatever he damned pleases. I also feel weird when someone calls me Mr. Carmedy -- but that's my bad not yours. I've been out of the regular forces for ten years now and it still feels weird being called mister. Call me Jake or Carmedy, okay.
Once a soldier always a soldier?
I still have reserve status, but yeah, I guess so. Maybe not for everyone...
Do you think it's a bit cliche having a former military man as a detective? Former Army Ranger becomes FBI agent in Bones. Former Army Ranger becomes bounty hunter in the Stephanie Plum novels. All those former SEALs and Marines in NCIS.
Do I care if you think it's cliche? I don't think so. I was a MP and security specialist. What was I going to do? Become a baker? If it makes you happier, I'm not a Ranger, Marine or SEAL. I am Canadian. Anyway, part of the reason I find it strange to be called Mr. Carmedy is because Joe only used "mister" and "ms" with civilians. You might as well say, "once a cop, always a cop."
Fair enough. You still keep your uniform in good order.
Like I said, I still have reserve status. I also keep my hair short, my face clean-shaven and my nails trimmed and filed. But so does every male professional worth his salt. What is this obsession with my military background.
Sure, I like khaki and olive. The colours work for me and I don't have to worry about putting the wrong shirt with the wrong trousers. Everything I own matches. Almost everything I own is equally practical in the office or in the field. You can't say that about the Zoot suits and Berber-style clothes that are in fashion right now.
You seem a little sensitive about this topic.
Certain people seem to have made it their holy mission to get me wearing more colour.
Kate Garrett?
<laugh> No. That maybe the one thing she doesn't want to change. Hell, she even likes me in uniform. And I have to say, she looks fine in her dress blues. Nothing like a woman in uniform, I always say.
Deadly Legacy is free March 4-7, 2013. Pick it up and learn more about Carmedy and Garrett.

Carmedy and Garrett,
character interviews,
crime fiction,
Deadly Legacy,
police fiction
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Marly Landers from Under A Texas Star
Tonight we welcome back Marly Landers from Under A Texas Star.
Throughout history women have masqueraded as men as a means of working in a field closed to women... like the military. Many times, they are only discovered when injured or killed. Your story, as told, doesn't go into many details of how you pulled it off. Care to share?
I'd traveled as a boy before. At the end of the war, renegade rebs beat and violated my mama, I was next. I know it. The Sarge showed up in time to save me, but just barely. Mama let me wear britches when I was doing chores so I changed into them and packed up a few valuables I could carry. I only had a couple of dresses and one of them was near covered in blood from Mama. I didn't mind leaving them behind with my bonnets and ribbons.
Okay, but you were much younger without as much... shape. And you had an accomplice. How did you pull it off alone?
Aunt Adele took me by buggy to the city to catch the train east. She saw me settled beside a widow visiting her sister in Rhode Island. As soon as Aunt Adele left, I changed trains and headed south. Of course they checked my ticket and "my mistake" was discovered. When I was let off, I asked where the telegraph station was, so I could send a wire to my family. I left my trunk at the station. I took my handbag and cut through a few backyards, and, I'm ashamed to admit, stole some clothes off someone's line.
It couldn't have been that easy.
I planned ahead. I had an old chemise in my bag from when I was younger. I'm not a very shapely woman and the tight vest squashed down what little shape I had. I had an odd sock to give me a bit of shape where I needed it. Mostly though, I'd been dealing with school boys for years so I knew how to act like one. The hardest part was finding a place to make the transformation. I would love to know how the owner of the tree fort looked when he found a lady's dress and smalls there. I spent the night in the fort and left before dawn: Marly Landers the boy.
What was the hardest part of the masquerade?
Keeping clean. Even a bowl bath is a challenge when you got to keep yourself covered. I spent nights in haylofts and once sharing a stall with sick colt. Mind, that job got me a fifty cents and two good meals. It was a pure joy when I finally got to have a hot bath in a private room.
That was at the Oasis in Fortuna.
Yes, sir. Er... ma'am?
Just Nighthawk.
Read about Marly Landers in Under A Texas Star. Available FREE on Kindle February 24-27, 2013.
Throughout history women have masqueraded as men as a means of working in a field closed to women... like the military. Many times, they are only discovered when injured or killed. Your story, as told, doesn't go into many details of how you pulled it off. Care to share?
I'd traveled as a boy before. At the end of the war, renegade rebs beat and violated my mama, I was next. I know it. The Sarge showed up in time to save me, but just barely. Mama let me wear britches when I was doing chores so I changed into them and packed up a few valuables I could carry. I only had a couple of dresses and one of them was near covered in blood from Mama. I didn't mind leaving them behind with my bonnets and ribbons.
Okay, but you were much younger without as much... shape. And you had an accomplice. How did you pull it off alone?
Aunt Adele took me by buggy to the city to catch the train east. She saw me settled beside a widow visiting her sister in Rhode Island. As soon as Aunt Adele left, I changed trains and headed south. Of course they checked my ticket and "my mistake" was discovered. When I was let off, I asked where the telegraph station was, so I could send a wire to my family. I left my trunk at the station. I took my handbag and cut through a few backyards, and, I'm ashamed to admit, stole some clothes off someone's line.
It couldn't have been that easy.
I planned ahead. I had an old chemise in my bag from when I was younger. I'm not a very shapely woman and the tight vest squashed down what little shape I had. I had an odd sock to give me a bit of shape where I needed it. Mostly though, I'd been dealing with school boys for years so I knew how to act like one. The hardest part was finding a place to make the transformation. I would love to know how the owner of the tree fort looked when he found a lady's dress and smalls there. I spent the night in the fort and left before dawn: Marly Landers the boy.
What was the hardest part of the masquerade?
Keeping clean. Even a bowl bath is a challenge when you got to keep yourself covered. I spent nights in haylofts and once sharing a stall with sick colt. Mind, that job got me a fifty cents and two good meals. It was a pure joy when I finally got to have a hot bath in a private room.
That was at the Oasis in Fortuna.
Yes, sir. Er... ma'am?
Just Nighthawk.
Read about Marly Landers in Under A Texas Star. Available FREE on Kindle February 24-27, 2013.
character interviews,
free book,
romantic suspense,
Under A Texas Star,
western romance
Monday, January 28, 2013
To Have to Hold - Tempest and Buck
"A widow with two children, Tempest Whitney has had to mortgage everything to repay the money her husband had stolen. But even as she struggles to hold onto her Utah homestead, a scheming rancher buys up her debts, demanding she either get off his land or marry him. Then a dark-haired stranger shows up, claiming to be her dead husband . . ."
We have that widow and dark-eyed stranger with us today.
Tempest, truth now, what was your first impression of Buck Maddox?
T: Oh my, well, much as I regret having to admit it, my heart leaped right into my throat at the sight of Buck standing outside my door. It was all I could do to hang onto my dignity and not jump on him. And to work up some anger at the confounded man when I thought he'd killed Skeet.
B: Whoo-hoo. Honey, I wish I'd have known that at the time. The only thing that would have kept your virtue safe would have been those two darlin' babes of yours. You were a mess, your hair all scraggly and, Lord, what a temper! But I'd never seen a woman more tempting.
The woman was tempting, but what about the ranch and her menagerie? That must have been daunting.
B: I admit I was a bit taken aback by what you call her ranch. Neither prosperous nor tidy are words I would have used in describing it. By menagerie, I reckon you mean her critters, not sweet little Ethan or Angel. To tell the truth, I would have had to applaud her ingenuity for earning her living. Who would have thought to raise and sell cats, of all things? Course, there were the mules, too.
<mutters> Cats. Why did it have to be cats?
It's rough land, what makes you love it so much, Tempest?
T: Oh, I didn't love it at first, not by a long shot, but those magnificent sandstone walls looking like they'd been sculpted by God, and with their Indian drawings on them and all, well, they grow you, until you wonder how you ever lived anywhere else. I know Buck feels the same way about it as I do now.
I can see that. Though I suspect he'd grow to love anything that you loved and probably hate what you hate. Speaking of which, Jonas Creedy figures prominently in your lives. Tell me about him.
T: That man! I still shudder at the very mention of his name, the low down, skunk-faced---
B: Now, Tempest, honey, shouldn't say unkind things about the dead, now should you?
T: Humph. You weren't the one being leered at by him, Buck. I just thank the Lord you came along and rescued me, you darling devil, you.
B: Damn. Are we about finished here? I need to get this woman home, fast.
Don't let the door slam <slam> ...on the way out.
If you want to learn more about this charming couple, pick up To Have and to Hold by Charlene Raddon.
Until next time...
We have that widow and dark-eyed stranger with us today.
Tempest, truth now, what was your first impression of Buck Maddox?
T: Oh my, well, much as I regret having to admit it, my heart leaped right into my throat at the sight of Buck standing outside my door. It was all I could do to hang onto my dignity and not jump on him. And to work up some anger at the confounded man when I thought he'd killed Skeet.
B: Whoo-hoo. Honey, I wish I'd have known that at the time. The only thing that would have kept your virtue safe would have been those two darlin' babes of yours. You were a mess, your hair all scraggly and, Lord, what a temper! But I'd never seen a woman more tempting.
The woman was tempting, but what about the ranch and her menagerie? That must have been daunting.
B: I admit I was a bit taken aback by what you call her ranch. Neither prosperous nor tidy are words I would have used in describing it. By menagerie, I reckon you mean her critters, not sweet little Ethan or Angel. To tell the truth, I would have had to applaud her ingenuity for earning her living. Who would have thought to raise and sell cats, of all things? Course, there were the mules, too.
<mutters> Cats. Why did it have to be cats?
It's rough land, what makes you love it so much, Tempest?
T: Oh, I didn't love it at first, not by a long shot, but those magnificent sandstone walls looking like they'd been sculpted by God, and with their Indian drawings on them and all, well, they grow you, until you wonder how you ever lived anywhere else. I know Buck feels the same way about it as I do now.
I can see that. Though I suspect he'd grow to love anything that you loved and probably hate what you hate. Speaking of which, Jonas Creedy figures prominently in your lives. Tell me about him.
T: That man! I still shudder at the very mention of his name, the low down, skunk-faced---
B: Now, Tempest, honey, shouldn't say unkind things about the dead, now should you?
T: Humph. You weren't the one being leered at by him, Buck. I just thank the Lord you came along and rescued me, you darling devil, you.
B: Damn. Are we about finished here? I need to get this woman home, fast.
Don't let the door slam <slam> ...on the way out.
If you want to learn more about this charming couple, pick up To Have and to Hold by Charlene Raddon.
Until next time...
character interviews,
Charlene Raddon,
western romance
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Casting Call!
Nighthawk here, out from the shadows of post holiday madness. What I'd really like to do is fly south for the winter. Since that isn't an option this year, I'll just need to find some hot bodies to warm up the studio.
If you have a character who'd like to be interviewed, drop me a line. Leave a comment. Send me a carrier pigeon.
Meanwhile, stay tuned and keep warm out there.
If you have a character who'd like to be interviewed, drop me a line. Leave a comment. Send me a carrier pigeon.
Meanwhile, stay tuned and keep warm out there.
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